A place for our thoughts,
ideas, projects and opinions.


Optimizing Local LLM SVG Code Generation with TextGrad

The TextGrad whitepaper describes two types of optimizations we can apply:

1. Instance optimization – Directly optimize a solution to a problem like a code snippet or a generated report

2. Prompt optimization – find a prompt that improves the performance of an LLM across multiple queries for a task. We can optimize at the system-prompt or the user-prompt level

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Case Study

Digitizing Farm Field Data

Headstorm created an enterprise data platform, ingesting massive datasets and enabling predictive AI insights which are transforming the ag industry.

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Innovator Interview: Donald Taylor (AmplifiedAg, Vertical Roots) On Indoor AgTech with Alex Cherones

Innovator Interview: Donald Taylor (AmplifiedAg, Vertical Roots) On Indoor AgTech

We recently got the chance to discuss Indoor AgTech with Donald Taylor – CEO of AmplifiedAg and its vertical farming company, Vertical Roots. As someone with a 30+ year background in software development and the former CTO of Benefitfocus he continually improved operations with data-led insights. Here are a few of the highlights from his interview with Alex Cherones.

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blockchain healthcare doctor with patient

Descrambled: Is Blockchain The Future Of Healthcare?

In our last article, we discussed how blockchain is blowing up the lumbering giant of finance, next on its list? Healthcare… an industry which has been facing significant interoperability and privacy challenges over the past year. Yet, blockchain has already demonstrated value in healthcare by providing a single immutable version of the truth.

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Descrambled: Is DeFi the Future of Finance?

In our previous article, “Descrambled: Blockchain Basics”, we explained the concept of cryptography without diving into the trillion-dollar market that is cryptocurrency. So, before you wrap your head around Decentralized Finance (DeFi), let’s settle on a working definition of cryptocurrency: it’s virtual money, managed on a blockchain.

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blockchain enabled transaction

Descrambled: What You Need To Know About Blockchain Basics

Since this is neither the first nor last guidance you’ll likely read on blockchain basics, we want to meet you where you are. Whether you’re in need of a full-on analogy to build your working knowledge of blockchain or just need a memory jog as to how the tech works. Either way, you’re in good shape to grasp this blockchain basis article.

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We delivered an efficient and reliable orchestration layer that allowed our client’s platform to scale with both internal teams and 3rd parties faster than ever.
Case Study

Optimizing Microservices​

We delivered an efficient and reliable orchestration layer that allowed our client’s platform to scale with both internal teams and 3rd parties faster than ever.

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driving operation
Case Study

Data: Driving Operations

We enabled efficient planning for fleet managers & more top-line revenue through a common bidding platform, by improving systems & processes.

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IoT & data pipelines Leveraging mobile technology for a custom health and wellness solution
Case Study

IoT & Data Pipelines

For a health and wellness company exploring emerging telehealth technology, transforming culture and development practices was necessary.

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